About Us

It was in late 1969 that a small group of women met to discuss the formation of a Floral Art Group. In February 1970 a meeting was held in Willard House in Brisbane city when the Aims and Objectives of the proposed group were laid out to enable a Constitution to be submitted at a later date. An interim committee was elected from the membership of the Royal Horticultural Society of Queensland and affiliated Horticultural Societies and Garden Clubs. Two of our current Life Members, Mrs Margaret Morrow and Mrs Margaret Ferris, were on this initial committee. Queensland followed Western Australia 1956 and Victoria 1965 to form a society and New South Wales followed in 1973.

Minutes of meeting held 16 February 1970 record the Aims and Objects of the Society are:

  1. To stimulate, and cultivate and raise the Standard of Flower Arranging in Queensland.
  2. To bring interested Flower arrangers in contact with one another through demonstrations and discussions.
  3. To prepare and adopt rules of Judging and appoint judges prepared to abide by those rules.
  4. To arrange Shows, displays and demonstrations.
  5. To support the decorative sections in the Horticultural Shows.
  6. To help and advise when compiling schedules.
  7. To supply details of experienced judges and demonstrators.
  8. To encourage any publication for the good of Floral Art.


Indeed, today, these same aims and objectives hold true. Annual membership was set for metropolitan members of $2.00 and country members $1.00 and as can be appreciated these fees have increased to keep up with the times.

Today FASQ has 16 financial affiliated clubs and societies throughout Queensland and northern NSW with a membership of over 200. We are affiliated with the Australian Floral Art Association [the Australian Association was officially formed in 1976] who in turn are affiliated with the World Association of Floral Artists founded in 1981. In June 1972 the First School of the Queensland Judges School for Floral Art was held in the Queensland Railway Institute Hall, Brisbane at which Mrs Kath Graham, Mt Gravatt, presented a paper titled Ethics of Judging Floral Art. She summarized that a proficient judge must be capable to making a quick decision supported by sound reasoning. FASQ continues to encourage and offer training to members who wish to become Judges and holds a biannual Judges School/Conference. Judges travel around the State to give training and demonstration sessions along with judging at local horticultural shows and events.

Over the years members have participated in community life such as doing the flowers for Reception Rooms of Government House. Members were involved when special visitors were in residence, such as Queen Elizabeth for Expo 1988 and also a visit to Queensland by the Duke and Duchess of Kent who were guests of the Queensland Day Dinner at the Sheraton Hotel which had been decorated by FASQ members. When Pope John II visited Brisbane we were involved with the décor at QEII stadium and City Hall. A yearly event at Mt Coot-tha Auditorium when the then Premier’s wife Andrea Ahern Welfare Committee held its Mannequin Parade was another opportunity to decorate with flowers and hi-lite the delights of arranging flowers.

Another annual August event, the Royal National Association Exhibition, is a busy time for a group of members to present a display in the Horticultural Pavilion. During the years of Brisbane’s Red Cross Chelsea Flower Show members were involved with displays. Other functions for involvement by FASQ were the Bi-annual Festival of Christmas Trees held in the City Hall and also the floral décor connected with the 1982 Commonwealth Games.

The AFAA Annual General Meeting is held at a conference hosted by a member State and Queensland will again host this in October of 2017 on the Sunshine Coast with an international designer from Spain as our Guest demonstrator. These conferences are an opportunity for members to meet and learn from other talented designers from Australia and the world. Monthly meetings are held February thru November at Mt Coot-tha BG Auditorium and workshops and demonstrations feature. Members have the opportunity to ‘bench’ floral designs as per the schedule for critique by a judge.

Annual awards are presented at the November meeting. Workshops giving opportunity to learn new techniques are always well attended A quarterly Newsletter is produced for members which is distributed to all affiliated clubs and societies as well as to our interstate sister societies.

FASQ has kept up with modern social media and has a Facebook Page [Floral Art Society of Queensland – FASQ] along with its own website www.floralartsocietyqld.org.au We also distribute flyers at every opportunity at horticultural/agricultural shows and garden club events along with floral suppliers. Thanks go to all the members over the years who have given their time to be on the Management Committees and steer this organization to its present day success.